Modern Depostional Systems of the East Texas Coast: Analogs to Ancient Deposits

Modern Depostional Systems of the East Texas Coast: Analogs to Ancient Deposits



Fieldtrip participants gather around for the introduction at the start of the day (SEPM, March 2002).



Data from around the Gulf of Mexico is used as examples on posters to help put the modern systems into context.



The first stop of the fieldtip is at a sandpit south of Houston. This pit has excellent exposures of fluvial deposits from the last highstand.



The second fieldtrip stop is at the Brazos River where students can see the modern point bar deposits (SEPM, March 2002).



Vibracores are taken used to illustrate facies at the modern Brazos delta (ExxonMobil, April 2002).



Shoreface deposits are studied at stops on Galveston Island (ExxonMobil, April 2002).