Our research project focuses on a long-term study of the northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf and upper slope and concentrates on examining the response of different depositional systems (fluvial, deltaic, coastal, etc.) to rising and falling sea level during the last few glacial eustatic cycles. The study area extends from the west Florida shelf to the Rio Grande and is subdivided into seven different shelf and upper slope settings with very different fluvial input, shelf gradient, and climatic and oceanographic settings. The data base consists of over 20,000 kilometers of high resolution seismic data and several hundred oil company platform boring descriptions and cores.

For more detailed information, please select a site that interests you.

Nearshore Sites

Corpus Christi/Mustang Island





Offshore Sites

South Texas

Central Texas

East Texas - Colorado and Brazos Rivers

East Texas - Sabine, Trinity and San Jacinto Rivers

Weastern Louisiana

Alabama and Western Florida


Gulf Bottom Imagemap

Comments, questions? Contact us at gulf@gulf.rice.edu.