Transgressive Systems Tract

Transgressive deposits are seen on the inner shelf as transgressive sheet sands, sand waves, and valley fill. The sheet sand represents reworked delta lobes' topsets during a rapid rise in sea level. The middle and outer shelf are characterized by backstepping deltas, shorelines, and barriers. Barriers exhibit a foredeepened profile with lagoonal sediments seen onlapping the back side.

The isochron map "Isochron Map of Red-Yellow" illustrates thicknesses in time. The contour interval is 10 ms. This unit represents deposition between stage 6 and stage 5e. The transgressive systems tract unit is difficult to map due to its heterogeneous nature. This map illustrates valley fill associated with the transgressive systems tract on the inner shelf (see line APL04) and potential barriers or deltas on the middle/outer shelf (see lines APL14 and APL15).

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